/*********************************************************** File name: 03_btnAndLed02.ino Description: Using interrupt mode, every time you press the button, LED status is switched(ON->OFF,OFF->ON). Website: www.wildgeekacademy.com E-mail: contact@wildgeekacademy.com Author: WildGeekCommunity Date: 2015/05/02 ***********************************************************/ int ledpin=11; //definition digital 11 pins as pin to control the LED int btnpin=2; //Set the digital 2 to button interface volatile int state = LOW; //Defined output status LED Interface void setup() { pinMode(ledpin, OUTPUT); //Set digital 11 port mode, the OUTPUT for the output attachInterrupt(0, stateChange, FALLING); //Monitoring Interrupt 0 (Digital PIN 2) changes in the input pins FALLING } void loop() { digitalWrite(ledpin, state); //Output control status LED, ON or OFF } void stateChange() //Interrupt function { if(digitalRead(btnpin)==LOW) //Detection button interface to low { delayMicroseconds(10000); //Delay 10ms for the elimination of key leading-edge jitter if(digitalRead(btnpin)==LOW) //Confirm button is pressed { state = !state; //Negate operation, each time you run the program here, state the HGIH becomes LOW, or the state becomes the LOW HGIH. } } }